Past Simple - The Princess And The Frog
Past Simple - The Princess And The Frog
The Frog Prince is a well-known fairy tale that has been adapted into various forms of media over the years. The story follows a princess who encounters a frog while playing with her golden ball in a forest. The frog promises to retrieve the ball from a pond in exchange for the princess's promise to be his friend and allow him to dine with her. The princess agrees, but upon receiving the ball, she runs off without keeping her promise. The frog later shows up at the palace, revealing himself to be a prince under a spell, and the princess's promise is what broke the spell.
The Frog Prince fairy tale can be used as a basis for an English worksheet, as it is a classic story with a clear moral lesson. The worksheet may include comprehension questions that test the student's understanding of the story, such as the main events and characters. It may also include vocabulary exercises that introduce new words from the story or ask the student to define words in context.
In addition, a Frog Prince worksheet could incorporate grammar and writing exercises, such as sentence construction or paragraph writing. For example, the student could be asked to write a summary of the story or to rewrite the story from a different character's point of view. The worksheet could also include creative activities such as drawing or coloring to encourage engagement and imagination.
Overall, The Frog Prince fairy tale is a great resource for creating an English worksheet that combines reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills. It provides an entertaining and engaging way for students to learn and practice English while enjoying a classic fairy tale.
Past Simple - The Princess And The Frog